622 CLSS Support
Last update: 16 January 2003
This page provides technical logistics support for the 622 CLSS group based upon experience from this project. The information is categorized as listed below, and includes images and information concerning custom built transport cradles.
This area was developed to provide a concise and organized source of information for 622 CLSS's needs. Some of the material is new, developed specifically for the 622 CLSS. The rest is from other parts of the AirplaneHome.com site. This area is currently in an early stage of development.
Disclaimer: Use the information and images presented here entirely at your own risk, holding me entirely harmless from any liability. While I've attempted to be as clear and accurate as I can, all the information is based upon personal experience, and is inherently limited in it's scope, detail, precision, and accuracy. Every task must be judged on the basis of on site circumstances - the information presented here can't be followed blindly. Heavy industrial projects are dangerous, and safety can only be maintained by remaining constantly aware of one's surroundings and possible future events. Think ahead, and consider the worst that could happen in the near future on a regular basis, so that you can modify your environment and tactics to insure safety before you lose control of events. In other words, be certain to eliminate hazards before they turn into tragedies, trading speed or any other consideration for safety whenever they conflict.
Bruce Campbell
15270 SW Holly Hill Road
Hillsboro, OR 97123-9074
Voice: 503-628-2936 (Pacific)
Cell: 503-957-0727. (Critical requirements only, costs $1 per minute)
Note: UCE (spam) email or any email distributed on an "opt out" basis is absolutely prohibited. Do not send any such email to this address.